Friends of Saratoga Spa State Park

2021 Year In Review

Friends, I would like to start by thanking the members for your continued support during a challenging year. A year filled with varying pandemic restrictions, which unfortunately resulted in reduced or eliminated programs. The Board faced some challenges and is stronger because of them and now are set for a new year of activities with

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2020 Year In Review

Friends, What a challenging year it has been! The pandemic affected our various programs in the Saratoga Spa State Park. Nevertheless, we continued on and had a rather successful year despite the challenges. We owe a debt of gratitude to our members; your continued support keeps our efforts moving forward. In October 2019 a fundraiser

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The Aesthetics of the Greatest Buildings at the Saratoga Spa State Park

by James K. Kettlewell What is the greatest and most moving work of art that one can experience in the entire surroundings of Saratoga Springs? Quite simply, the marvelous architectural composition at the Spa State Park, which includes the Hall of Springs, the Theater and Administration Building, the two Roosevelt Baths, the sculpture on the

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The Polaris Spouter Spring

by Aime (Trent) Millet The Polaris is a delightful spring. Whether there is a child placing his foot on the spout to spray his friends or a group of visitors enjoying the taste of its tangy waters, either straight or mixed, Polaris is a welcoming water. The Polaris Spring always seems delighted to dance in

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